Highest Flying Bird: This is the highest flying bird in the world, it flies higher than the plane

Thousands of species of birds exist in the world. All birds also have their own distinct characteristics. Like the sound of some birds, their size, beauty and ability to fly at high altitude make them different from all other birds. But do you know that there is a bird which flies higher in the sky than an aeroplane? Know where this bird is found. 

Flying higher than the plane 

Today we are going to tell you about a bird whose Flying is higher than aeroplane. Aircraft typically fly at an altitude of 31,000 (9.44 km) to 42,000 (12.80 km) feet. But the bird about which we are going to tell is capable of flying above this height. According to world records, Ruppel’s Griffon Vulture can reach a height of 37 thousand feet and is the highest flying bird in the world. The question is, where is this bird found? Let us tell you that it is found in Central Africa. 

Who is the second bird?

Apart from this, there is another bird, which lives at a height of 33000 feet. Can reach. It is a Eurasian crane i.e. a type of heron. According to the information, there are ravens in Tibet, which are also known as blackbirds. These birds can also fly at a height of 16 thousand to 20 thousand feet. The flight of the Andean Condor, the longest flying bird in the world, also reaches 16 thousand feet.

 Airplane flight

Now the question This is how high do airplanes fly? According to the information, planes usually fly at an altitude of 31,000 (9.44 km) to 42,000 (12.80 km) feet. Normally no birds can fly at such a height. Because birds start facing many problems when they go to higher altitudes. Only the Griffon Vulture can reach a height of 37 thousand feet. According to this, this bird is capable of flying higher than an aeroplane. 

Also read: Passenger Planes: Why do passenger planes fly only at a height of 12 kilometers from the ground, what is the science behind it?

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